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Gastritis signs, causes, treatment

Gastritis refers to the inflammation and or swelling of the stomach lining. The stomach lining has a vital role. It contains cells responsible for the acid and enzyme production that support the digestion process by breaking down the food into smaller particles and mucus production, which protects the stomach lining from acid.
The process looks like digestive juices cause damage and inflame the stomach lining resulting in Gastritis. Therefore less enzymes, acid, and mucus will be produced. Gastritis can be acute, chronic, or atrophic.

SIBO relapse - body’s natural defense system against SIBO

Your body has many different defense mechanisms to deal with any possible infection or microorganism attack, or potential overgrowth (bacterial, fungal). Any dysfunction in the defense system may contribute to the development of SIBO. Some of the contributing factors could be some dysfunctions in the body’s natural defense system, such as low stomach acid, poor bile flow, disordered or even absent motility, etc.

Helicobacter pylori infection cause SIBO

Helicobacter pylori infection can be one of the root causes of Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth by lowering stomach acid levels. Can Helicobacter pylori infection be the root cause of SIBO? What is Helicobacter Pylori (or shortly H. Pylori)?
How can Helicobacter Pylori infection lead to SIBO? Natural approaches for Helicobacter pylori infection

detox pathways sibo candida parasite cleanse

Opening your detox pathways is crucial for your health and in any clearing protocol. I see many people in the SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth) or even anti-Candida, parasite world ready to quickly jump on an antimicrobial / antibiotics or antifungal route and bombard their body with heavy herbs or medication to get rid of the problem as soon as possible.

Gut SIBO thyroid dysfunctions hypothyroidism

Are you suffering from symptoms such as fatigue, brain fog, mood swings, dry skin, slow bowel movement, and even weight gain? These could also be a sign of thyroid dysfunction. Your thyroid is responsible for controlling your metabolic processes. If it is under-functioning, it pushes the brake pedal and slows down the body’s metabolic processes. In the case of hyperthyroidism, it pushes the gas pedal and makes the process run faster.

10 alarming signs you may have SIBO (and not just simply IBS)

You cannot fit into your jeans anymore because you feel so bloated? You wake up with a flat belly in the morning, and in the evening, you look like six months pregnant? These SIBO symptoms may sound a bit extreme but are not exceptional cases. Many other clients experience constant gas or bloating …

The Ultimate Guide to SIBO - eBook by SeekingGutHealth


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