Overcome Your Digestive Issues with Personalized Support



Understanding your challenges is the first step to overcoming them

We all face unique challenges that are specific to our life. However, common areas of overlap hinder us all from living and feeling our absolute best.

You are here because…

Your belly is constantly bloated

You experience diarrhea or constipation (or even both)

You feel exhausted

You may have skin issues

You are afraid to eat because you are scared of triggered symptoms – you just want to get through one meal without having to worry about the symptoms

You feel anxious about your digestive issues

Your symptoms affect your work performance and relationships

you feel overwhelmed due to a lot of contradicting information on the internet


Dietary changes are often some of the most challenging changes to make.
Food is associated with family, traditions, cultures, and memories, tied to nearly every social gathering. Eating is not only about fueling your body but also about the experience.
Those of us who have had experience with poor digestive health know how difficult it can be to manage social situations involving food.

With direction, support, and a strong why you can make the changes to heal your gut.

No matter your reason, knowing it is crucial.

that you are the one who can…

take control of the disturbing symptoms

have a good relationship with your body because you learned how to trust it

wear your favorite dresses confidently

feel calm and relaxed because your gut feels great

eat a wide variety of foods without consequences (hello to Food Freedom!)

enjoy social gatherings and eat out without fear

have regular bowel movements

enjoy hobbies and spend less time searching on Google

get back to optimal weight

feel energetic and enjoy vitality again

Healing your gut is a journey, but I am here to show you the way!

sibo gut health coach

Struggling with SIBO or gut health issues? You're not alone. I've been there, and I know how tough it can be.

👋🏼 I am Alexandra Ress, a SIBO survivor.
I used to suffer from a constantly bloated belly despite eating healthy. I was desperate to find a way out of the symptoms like bloating, constipation, acne, fatigue, histamine issues, and whatnot.
I was so happy to get diagnosed with SIBO after being told it's "just" IBS. At first, I thought I had found the final answer to all my symptoms, but I was so wrong!
I did several treatments but ended up failing. So I asked, what am I missing here?
I started researching further and realized all along I was chasing SIBO like it is a type of infection but ignored 2 significant factors that are key to success, like lifestyle and the root causes.

I learned how to reverse my gut disorders using nature's medicine, lifestyle changes, and addressing the root causes of my issues. I became a SIBO/IBS Health Coach and Functional and Holistic Nutritionist. My mission is to support SIBO / IBS Warriors looking for natural approaches to get the right tools to regain control of their body and life. I want everyone to understand that it is possible to heal given the right tools! I've helped many people just like you regain their health and vitality.

Read more about my story and background.

Introducing my signature 1:1 Program:

The Gut Freedom Program

A personalized, comprehensive nutrition & health coaching program for those who want to say goodbye to SIBO and chronic gut issues

Who is it for?

It is for you if:

  • You have IBS or SIBO, or you are experiencing symptoms like bloating, gassiness, burping, nausea, heartburn, constipation and/or diarrhea, acne, skin issues, abdominal pain, chronic fatigue, and you may also suspect food sensitivities
  • You're confused about what to eat for your gut health, or you have already tired of all of those elimination diets, and you feel you can't get off them without symptoms return
  • You're fed up that your gut issues have affected your body image, self-confidence, and relationships and want someone who actually understands your situation on a deeper level without judgment
  • You want to know how to nourish your body and banish food fear
  • You feel overwhelmed by conflicting information online and are in search of personalized support and guidance
  • You understand that healing the gut takes time and action, and you are ready to take the next step

Who is it NOT for?

It's not for you if:

  • You are not committed to making a change!
  • You are just looking for a magic pill or quick fix (there is no such!)
SIBO health coach nutritionist

What will we work together on?

I help (you):

  • connect the dots for you to uncover the root causes behind your SIBO and gut issues and learn practical strategies to address them so you can avoid relapse in the future (one of the main reasons why many SIBO protocols fail is because the root causes were not investigated!)
  • with a customized food plan to identify your trigger foods instead of being on a restrictive diet for the long term (you simply cannot starve SIBO!)
  • show how you can strategically reintroduce your favorite foods
  • fall in love with food again and release your food fear. Food is our friend, not the enemy!
  • create new lifestyle habits that support your healing process, whether it's optimizing your sleep, including more body movement, learning techniques to manage your daily stress, transforming your mindset, or learning about self-care methods - they are the foundational steps of ANY healing journey
  • develop mindful eating habits to improve your digestion and gut motility
  • discover which natural supplements can boost your gut healing process and are worth the money
  • learn how to get a better relationship with your body!

All of these are tailored to your needs, challenges, and goals. 

I follow Functional Medicine principles and use functional lab testing, gut-healing protocols, and evidence-based research regarding clients' education or natural supplements. All the food plan recommendations are based on scientific research and clients’ biochemical individuality.

Having guidance on your gut healing journey saves you energy, time, and money in the long term.

You don't have to do this alone

and you don't need to spend your free time googling and believing that antibiotics are the only answer.

I provide you with everything you need; you just have to use them!

What is included in the Gut Freedom Program?


⇒ Enjoy unlimited chat or e-mail support in between sessions. Whenever you have questions or feel overwhelmed, the support is at your fingertips

⇒ Stay on track with accountability check-ins and expert guidance



         HOLISTIC PLAN                  

⇒ Embrace a comprehensive, whole-person approach.

⇒ Discover the impact you can make on your gut health with your diet and lifestyle changes.

  • Personalized food plan and recipe guides
  • Access to a food-mood journal
  • Access to practical gut-healing lifestyle recommendations and handouts, including eating habits, sleep optimization, stress management, digestive support, proper hydration, exercise, detoxification techniques, Vagus nerve support, Gut microbiome support, and many more.


⇒ Address the root causes of your symptoms and find lasting solutions for a healthy gut.

  • Comprehensive analysis of your health history
  • Root cause approach
  • Functional (gut) testing options
  • Supplementation guides
  • Bioindividuality

How does it work?

I run my practice 100% online and work with people from all over the world.

  1. You apply for a free SIBO Assessment call.
  2. We discuss your health situation, goals, and questions, and I explain the process, how I can support you, and see if we are a good match.
  3. If we are the right fit, we will begin working together.

Ready to reclaim your health?


One-on-One Client (USA)

"Prior to beginning the Coaching Program, I was experiencing daily stomach aches, a lot of gas and bloating, frequent migraines, and low energy. I now have my energy back. I can plan my day without having to worry about a stomach ache or migraine disrupting the things I want to do. Before beginning the Coaching Program, I questioned mostly everything I ate, wondering if it was what was causing my symptoms. I can now eat a variety of nutritious foods without having to worry. It wasn’t easy to get to this point. It took a lot of
discipline, supplements, dietary changes, trust that I could heal, and time. But it was worth it to feel so much better! Plus, I’ve gained knowledge about my body and what works best for me."

client testimonial bloating

One-on-One Client (Croatia)

-Lower muscle pains, regular bowel movements, much more energy, better sleep...

When we started the program, I had terrible muscle pains throughout my body, terrible brain fog, digestive and sleep issues, food allergies, low energy... Now I would say that my muscle pains are 10% of what they were initially, my brain fog is non-existent, I have regular bowel movements, no sleep issues, and much more energy and focus... I have learned a lot about food and supplements, about my own body, and most important of all, how to be patient. I have had absolute support during this program.

For anyone who is hesitant to invest, I think the most important thing to invest in is your health, and coaches like Alexa will definitely bring you faster to your goals, in contrast to wandering around and running in circles, also spending a lot of money not knowing what to do exactly. Alexa was very kind, and I liked our coaching sessions, which provided me with a lot of useful info, recipes, and lifestyle resources.

Proper investing in your health is the most important thing. If you feel that the culprit of your problems is coming from your gut, do not hesitate. Especially if you have been wandering around from specialist to specialist, and every one of them told you that everything is okay with you.

One-on-One Client (Switzerland)

-improved energy levels
-understanding that HOW I eat (if mindful or not), sleep hygiene, and stress levels also have a huge impact on gut symptoms
-improved sleep through meditation practices
-improved constipation

Alexandra is a very knowledgeable and competent coach. As I could find out during the program, a holistic approach is essential to heal gut issues, and Alexandra was able to identify the challenges I was facing and give me valuable tips in every situation. I really appreciated the importance she gives to other lifestyle factors (very often forgotten by traditional medicine/nutrition), such as stress management, sleep hygiene, etc. Even though I still have a long journey to completely heal my gut issues, Alexandra was able to provide me with an overall picture of how to permanently fix my symptoms.

One-on-One Client (Czech Republic)

I was struggling with SIBO for many years. I tried to manage it before, unsuccessfully. Alexa had a very complex approach focused not only on SIBO but whole my psychical & physical health. Not only SIBO was my problem, but we also focused as well on my thyroid and overall gut health. I have learned many relaxing techniques and started focusing more on my thoughts.

Alexa advised me on what tests should I take, guided me through, and explained what needed to be done. I always received very complex materials with the next steps and supplements.

Alexa was always very supportive. My journey is not over yet, however, I already feel more energized, my gut motility is much better, and I do not feel as much bloated as before. I understand my body better and know that everything is connected. I felt a bit lost in all information on the internet, but Alexa really helped me to better understand and gave me many very useful materials. Moreover, I really felt that I have someone I can rely on.

One-on-One Client (USA)

I was recently diagnosed with SIBO after many months of testing, had tried medication without success, and was still suffering from indigestion, heartburn, constipation, stomach cramps, fatigue, and so on. My GI suggested I try controlling my SIBO with diet but gave me no guidance. It seemed impossible to figure out the correct diet and combination of supplements on my own. Finding Alexandra was a huge relief; the treatment with her guidance has vastly improved my symptoms and quality of life....I feel so much better; I sleep better, have more energy, and my symptoms are under control with the proper diet.

One-on-One Client (Switzerland)

My tiredness during the day has changed a lot, as well as my energy level in the morning. I have to take lesser breaks during the day than before I started the program. My sleep quality has gotten better as well. And my digestive symptoms are improving as well.

I enjoyed being able to talk to a competent coach with a holistic approach and being able to ask all the questions I had regarding my health. I also appreciated that I was able to contact her whenever I had a question.
I also liked the program in that we had enough time to talk things through and weren't in a rush.
I appreciate that you gave me a richness of techniques to try and a lot of information sheets about different approaches. I felt well-informed.
I also liked the session notes, which were clear and summarised the Coaching Calls very well.

One-on-One Client (Italy)

At the beginning of my journey, I was really sad about my problems: sleeping, bloating, blood analysis, etc... but after the first session with Alexandra, my willingness increased a lot, and after a couple of weeks, I started feeling better. What I really loved was the full-daily answers to my questions.
Don't check on the internet but ask someone that has already treated these problems. I felt like having someone who assisted in my journey not only in terms of health but also emotionally. Also, the resources provided by Alexandra are very valuable.

One-on-One Client (USA)

I achieved better sleep, being more conscious of my diet and input, a positive mental attitude, and weight gain.

Before I started the program, I was completely overwhelmed, frustrated, misguided, and lost with my health declining year after year. I had decided to seek professional guidance from someone I could judge who was of good character and possessed expertise / empirical evidence in the role of the gut
in holistic healing. Throughout this program, I was relieved to find elaborate and detailed yet simple and applicable responses, directions, and plans to accomplish my health goals.

There is always a sequence for correcting gut imbalances:

The roadmap to a healthy gut


What does a Functional and Holistic approach mean?

Compared to the Allopathic approach


(Your doctor)

  • Disease oriented
  • Everybody gets the same treatment
  • Suppresses the symptoms with medications
  • Treats organs individually
  • Solely focuses on medications, not advocating for lifestyle and nutrition
  • Spends limited time with the patient
  • Fear-based
  • Overwhelming



  • Health & wellness-oriented
  • Personalized, holistic support
  • Seeks to identify the root causes, acknowledging (bio)individuality
  • Considers Mind-Body-Spirit, views the individual as a whole
  • The main focus is on modifiable lifestyle factors (Sleep, Exercise, Nutrition, Stress management, Mindset, etc.)
  • Plenty of time for the client
  • Empowering clients
  • Personal guidance, step-by-step process


Client testimonial SIBO . severe gut issues, pain, regular bowel movements, more energy, holistic approach, healthy eating habits, quality sleep, lifestyle changes, continuous support,

Client testimonial SIBO abdominal pain, gas, bloating, root causes, symptom free, sleep and mood, program, holistic approach, constipation, histamine , support

felt burning and pinching abdominal pain in my abdomen. She helped me get the right diagnosis and built a personalized healing protocol that helped to reduce my pain significantly. She has equipped me with loads of useful knowledge, recipes, and lifestyle recommendations that I'll continue using even after the program in order to ensure long term success of my healing.


Client testimonial SIBO , anxiety, stomach pain, stress, stress management, pain, root causes for SIBO, breathing techniques, calm the gut, support, feel better

Investing in yourself and putting your health as the first priority might be scary, but what's scarier is living with the current symptoms and fears for years!

I know you are ready to take control of your gut health and wellness.

It's time to become the best version of yourself that you could ever imagine!

Book a FREE SIBO Assessment Call to get started

Your gut needs you, and you need it healthy more than ever! This investment is more than just your gut health; it is your life longevity and living the life you love every single day.

There is no time to waste.

Benefits my clients see during the program

benefits of healing your gut

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does the Program cost?
+ -

Getting support to get you on the healing path is an investment in your health. Healing your gut can take time and commitment. 

The investment in the program varies depending on each individual's specific needs and goals. I offer a few options tailored to different stages of your journey towards better gut health. Each program is designed to provide the utmost value and support, ensuring you receive the guidance and resources necessary for your healing journey.

There are several options, including a comprehensive four-month program and a kickstart program, to give you an idea.

Each of these is priced to reflect the depth and duration of the support provided. The program investments range from a three-figure sum for the kickstart program to a four-figure sum for the more extensive plans.

I also understand that investing in your health is a significant decision. That's why I offer flexible payment plans to accommodate your financial needs, making them more manageable.

I believe in a personalized approach, so I encourage you to book a free SIBO Assessment Call. During this call, we'll discuss your specific situation, goals, and how the program can help you. This will also give us an opportunity to recommend the best program for you and discuss the investment involved.

What currencies do you accept?
+ -

Payments can be made in US dollars (USD), Euros, or Swiss Francs (CHF).

Is your Coaching program covered by insurance?
+ -

Unfortunately, it is not covered. 

How long does it take to feel better?
+ -

This is very individual. It depends on your health situation, how long you have been dealing with your symptoms, and your commitment to making changes.

Working together, we can accelerate your body's healing process!
Based on my experience, many clients feel the positive changes within 4 weeks.

Remember that healing your gut is a journey with ups and downs—it is a marathon, not a sprint!

I'm already working together with my Gastroenterologist/Functional Medicine Practitioner. Can I still work with you?
+ -


Many clients came to me feeling frustrated with their prescribed diet plan or protocol that they got from their healthcare providers without further explanation or support on implementation. Without continuous guidance or accountability, it may feel hard to take the next steps, stay on track, and reach the desired goals.

As a Coach, I help clients implement the required changes and address the lifestyle factors that may hinder their healing. I provide accountability, a constant support system while we work together, and strategies & tools for creating healthy, mindful, and long-lasting habits that make their goals a reality.

We work on foundations such as nutrition, mindset, stress, sleep, exercise, vagus nerve, and many other areas. 

I live outside of Europe, can I still work with you?
+ -

Even though I accept applications worldwide, I mainly work with clients from Europe, North America (USA and Canada), Australia regions, and some parts of the Middle East. 

How do we work together during the Coaching Program?
+ -

I work together with my clients solely online.

I also use a client management platform (HIPAA compliant) to provide daily chat support and send you questionnaires, handouts, session notes, and all the necessary documents, and we set up the 1-on-1 sessions mostly on Zoom.

In case you need functional tests, I can order the test kits to your location (except blood tests), which can easily be performed at home. 

In some cases, your doctor needs to perform the necessary tests; however, I can support you with what you need to ask for.

What is the Coaching language?
+ -

I provide Coaching in English. 

I don't have SIBO, can you still help me?
+ -

Sure! I help clients not just with SIBO but all other gut-related issues.

I also provide services for those who are suffering from the following gut issues and related health conditions such as:

  • bloating, gassiness, burping, constipation, diarrhea, abdominal pain
  • acne, eczema, and other skin issues
  • sleep disturbances
  • GERD / acid reflux, heartburn symptoms
  • chronic fatigue, low energy levels, brain fog
  • IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)
  • Candida/ fungal overgrowth/ SIFO (Small Intestinal Fungal Overgrowth)
  • Gut Dysbiosis
  • Food intolerances (Histamine, Oxalates, Lactose, Gluten, etc.)
  • Leaky Gut Syndrome
  • Gastritis
  • Helicobacter Pylori infection and many more.
How do we start working together?
+ -

I recommend scheduling a free 30-minute SIBO Assessment Call to discuss your current health situation, challenges, and goals. We can see if we are a good fit to work together, and if so, I will explain the possible strategies in your case and what the program and investment look like.

What happens once the Gut Freedom Program is finished?
+ -

I provide various maintenance options if you need further support after finishing your Gut Freedom Program.

However, my goal is to provide you with all the tools, resources, and transformation so that you feel confident to continue your journey and face challenges without relying on me. 

Can you order lab tests?
+ -

Yes, I am partnered with functional lab companies in Europe and the USA that can send all types of functional tests (like comprehensive stool tests, breath tests, urine tests, etc.) to any address in Europe, the USA, and Canada. It is also possible to request that the test kits are sent to other locations outside the countries mentioned above. 

What is the minimum age for the coaching program?
+ -

You must be at least 18 years old to apply for the coaching programs. Please note that I only support adults.