Blog posts

mold toxicity and gut issues

Suppose you have been struggling with mysterious symptoms like unexplained chronic fatigue, brain fog, and digestive or sinus issues that don’t seem to go away even after doing some gut-healing protocols. In that case, this article is for you. Maybe you have tried every single SIBO protocol without success. In this case, there might be a not-so-obvious reason for having those chronic symptoms, and the culprit might be toxic mold exposure, as in my case.

Carnivore diet for SIBO

In recent years, there has been an increased interest in diets like the Carnivore diet to overcome health challenges. For many, this seems to be a controversial diet that involves eating primarily or only animal-based products. While some experts have praised the diet for its potential health benefits, others have raised concerns about its safety […]

brain fog symptoms, causes, and natural remedies

Brain fog is an all too common phenomenon that many of us suffer from. For many, the struggle to concentrate, remember things, and stay focused is real. Brain fog and fatigue are common symptoms of many chronic health conditions. Fortunately, there are ways to help combat the effects of brain fog.

Acid reflux GERD symptoms causes

Are you experiencing symptoms of GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease) such as heartburn? Many people experience heartburn from time to time, but when it becomes persistent, meaning it happens multiple times a week, then you may have GERD.
GERD is pretty common; according to a study, up to 30% of adults in the Western population are affected by GERD.

Blog: The most popular SIBO diets pros and cons PART 2.

Many different diets are recommended when you are dealing with SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth). Knowing the difference and choosing one could already be a challenging step. There is no right or wrong type of diet; each individual has various needs, metabolism, underlying reasons, and sometimes it may take a trial and error process to find the best fitting one. But I am here today to give you more information about these SIBO diets.

The most popular SIBO diets pros and cons

If you are diagnosed with SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth), you must have been advised to follow a “SIBO diet” for a while (hopefully, not forever!).
Many practitioners recommend a SIBO diet as an additional tool next to the antibiotics or antimicrobial treatment for SIBO. SIBO diets aim to decrease the number of fermentable carbohydrates in your diet.

The Ultimate Guide to SIBO - eBook by SeekingGutHealth


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